Tag: aviation safety

All I could see was fire Says Pakistan Plane Survivor

One of the survivors of Friday’s plane crash in the Pakistani city of Karachi has described his ordeal, saying all he could see “was fire”.

Passenger Muhammad Zubair was one of at least two passengers who survived after the Pakistan International Airlines (PIA) Airbus A320 came down in a residential area.

Health authorities in Sindh province said 97 deaths had been confirmed.

The cause of the crash is not yet known.

The pilot had reported a technical fault after one failed landing attempt, according local media, then issued a mayday call as the plane came down.

It came days after Pakistan allowed commercial flights to resume after the country’s coronavirus lockdown was eased.

How did Muhammad Zubair escape?

Flight PK8303, an Airbus A320 carrying 91 passengers and eight crew – including many families travelling ahead of Sunday’s Eid holiday – had travelled from Lahore.

It was attempting to land at Karachi’s Jinnah International Airport at about 14:30 local time (09:30 GMT) when it came down.

Mr Zubair, who suffered only minor injuries, said the plane attempted one landing and then crashed 10-15 minutes later.

“No-one was aware that the plane was about to crash; they were flying the plane in a smooth manner,” he said.

He lost consciousness following the crash. When he came to, he said, “I could hear screams from all directions. Kids and adults. All I could see was fire. I couldn’t see any people – just hear their screams”.

“I opened my seatbelt and saw some light – I went towards the light. I had to jump down about 10ft (3m) to get to safety,” he added.Presentational white space

Why did the aircraft crash?

The plane was only just short of the runway perimeter when it struck houses in the Model Colony residential area. TV footage showed rescue crews combing through debris strewn across the streets of the densely populated zone. A number of cars were set on fire.

Eyewitness Mohammed Uzair Khan told the BBC he had heard a massive sound and went outside his home. “Almost four houses were completely collapsed, there was so much fire and smoke,” he said. “They are almost my neighbours, I can’t tell you what a horrible thing it was.”

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Purported audio of the conversation between air traffic control and a pilot was published by Pakistani media. The pilot is heard saying the plane had “lost engines”. An air traffic controller asks whether it is going to carry out a “belly landing”, to which the pilot replies “mayday, mayday, mayday”.

One civil aviation official told Reuters the plane may have been unable to lower its undercarriage.

Images posted on social media appeared to show scorch marks under both engines, with no undercarriage visible on approach.

Investigators will try to retrieve the so-called black box recorders to help determine the cause. A committee of investigation has already been set up.

PIA said the plane had joined the fleet in 2014 and passed its annual airworthiness inspection last November.

What do we know about the casualties?

According to local authorities, 97 deaths have been confirmed, although it is unclear how many of the dead were passengers and how many residents on the ground. Nineteen of the dead have been identified.

Zafar Masud, president of the Bank of Punjab, was the other passenger who survived the crash, a provincial government spokesman said. Both were at the front of the plane. There are reports of other survivors but these have not been confirmed.

A senior journalist at TV channel 24 News, Ansar Naqvi, and an ex-head of the Punjab Disaster Management Authority, Khalid Sherdil, were also listed on the passenger manifest.

Pakistan’s Prime Minister Imran Khan said he was “shocked and saddened” by the crash, promising an immediate investigation.

What is Pakistan’s safety record like?

Pakistan has a chequered aviation safety record, including a number of airliner crashes.

In 2010, an aircraft operated by private airline Airblue crashed near Islamabad, killing all 152 people on board – the deadliest air disaster in Pakistani history.

In 2012, a Boeing 737-200 operated by Pakistan’s Bhoja Air crashed in bad weather on its approach to land in Rawalpindi, killing all 121 passengers and six crew.

And in 2016, a Pakistan International Airlines plane burst into flames while travelling from northern Pakistan to Islamabad, killing 47 people.

Life lost after Canadian Snowbirds acrobatic jet crashes

At least one person has died after an acrobatic Canadian air force jet crashed into a residential neighbourhood while doing a flyover.

Another crew member was seriously injured when the plane hit a house in the city of Kamloops, British Columbia.

One pilot was able to eject before the crash on Sunday, video showed.

The Snowbirds jet had been on a tour “to salute Canadians doing their part to fight the spread of Covid-19”, according to the team’s website.

The Snowbirds perform acrobatic stunts for the public, similar to Red Arrows in the UK or the US Blue Angels.

The crash happened on Sunday morning, shortly after the jet took off.

“It is with heavy hearts that we announce that one member of the CF Snowbirds team has died and one has sustained serious injuries,” the Royal Canadian Air Force said in a tweet.

Video posted on Twitter showed two jets climbing into the air from what is believed to be the Kamloops Airport before one catches on fire.

Witness Annette Schonewille told CBC News: “The one plane continued and the other one, there was two puffs, it looked like puffs of smoke and one… was a ball of fire,” she said.

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“No noise, it was strange, and then the plane just did a cartwheel and fell right out of the sky. Just boom, straight down, and then a burst of black, black smoke.”

After it hit the front garden of a home in Kamloops, residents ran outside in an attempt to put out the fire.

“I just started running down the street. And I got there maybe a minute after it crashed and there was a couple of residents that had their hoses out and they were trying to put the flames out because it hit a house,” neighbour Kenny Hinds told the Associated Press.

“It looked like most of it landed in the front yard, but maybe a wing or something went through the roof.”

Meanwhile, resident Nolyn McLeod told CBC he saw the plane curve into the street and hit the bedroom window of his neighbour’s house.

Photos published in Canadian media appeared to show a parachute on the roof of the house.

The city of Kamloops is around 200 miles (320km) northeast of Vancouver in the West Coast Canadian province. It has a population of 90,000.

In October, a Snowbirds jet crashed into an uninhabited area before an air show in the US city of Atlanta, after the pilot ejected.

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