Tag: Canada

Canadian Politicians Denounce Trump’s Protest Response

Left-wing party leaders in Canada have condemned President Trump’s response to protests over the death of George Floyd, with one proposing that Canada accept asylum seekers attempting to enter the country from the U.S.


Trump’s response has included threatening to use the military to quell violence and tear gassing protesters in front of the White House.

Asked about his reaction to the gassing of protesters, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau stayed silent for 20 seconds before saying “we all watch in horror and consternation what’s going on in the United States,” without mentioning Trump and then focused his speech on racism in Canada.

But Jagmeet Singh, leader of the left-wing New Democratic Party, called Trump’s actions “reprehensible” and said Trudeau “has to call out the hatred and racism happening just south of the border,” while Bloc Québécois Leader Yves-François Blanchet said Trudeau needs to “grow a spine.”

Elizabeth May, leader of Canada’s Green Party, took it one step further, calling on Canada to accept qualified asylum seekers from other countries coming to Canada via the U.S., which she said is “no longer safe” for them to seek asylum in.

“It’s clear that if you’re Muslim, if you’re Black, if you’re Latina, if you’re Indigenous, the United States is not a safe country,” May said.

May also said Trump has “urged violence” and “in coded language has been giving oxygen, for years now, to white supremacists.”

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Under the terms of a 2004 treaty, Canada deemed the U.S. a “safe” asylum for refugees and agreed not to take in refugees who land in the U.S. first. That treaty has long drawn scrutiny from the left and from refugee-advocates, including the Green Party, who consider the U.S. insufficiently committed to human rights. In 2017, Canada reviewed the agreement after Trump banned immigration from several Muslim-majority countries. Trudeau also faced fierce calls to suspend the treaty in 2018 when the Trump administration began separating families at the U.S.-Mexico Border. In March, Trudeau closed the border entirely, banning non-essential U.S. visitors in Canada and announcing that Canada would send back asylum seekers who attempt to cross the U.S.-Canada border to mitigate the spread of COVID-19.


Trump’s presidency has coincided with a deterioration of the United States’ standing in the world community. A Pew Research poll in 2018 found that most other countries’ favorability of the US dropped precipitously between the end of Obama’s presidency and the beginning of Trump’s. In Canada, America’s favorability dropped by 26 points, from 65% to just 39%. Canada’s views of Trump specifically are even worse, with just 28% of Canadians saying they have confidence in him to “do the right thing regarding world affairs” in a Pew poll in January.


“This is a very dangerous situation. And I do think those of us in other countries should speak out,” May said of Trump’s protest response.

Source: FORBES

World leaders react to China’s controversial national security bill

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China on Thursday approved a controversial proposal to impose a national security law for Hong Kong, reigniting concerns over the financial hub’s diminishing freedoms.

The law will effectively bypass Hong Kong’s legislature, and raises concerns over whether it is a breach of the Chinese city’s autonomy, which was promised under the “one country, two systems” principle.

It comes after months of pro-democracy protests, which sometimes spiraled into chaos and violence, that have rocked Hong Kong and devastated key sectors in its economy, including tourism and retail.

Hong Kong, a former British colony that returned to Chinese rule in 1997, is a special administrative region of China. Under the “one country, two systems” framework, the city is given some freedoms that citizens in the mainland do not have. That includes self-governing power, limited election rights, and a largely separate legal and economic framework from mainland China.

Chinese Premier Li Keqiang has said the decision to implement the law was “designed for steady implementation of ‘one country, two systems’ and Hong Kong’s long-term prosperity and stability.”

But critics of the law say it violates that policy and promise of freedom to the Hong Kong people.

Prior to the approval of the bill, U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said Hong Kong was no longer highly independent from China.

Here’s how other leaders around the world say about China’s move to pass the bill.


In a joint statement, the four countries expressed their “deep concern” regarding Beijing’s proposed law.

“Hong Kong has flourished as a bastion of freedom. The international community has a significant and long-standing stake in Hong Kong’s prosperity and stability,” it said.

“Direct imposition of national security legislation on Hong Kong by the Beijing authorities, rather than through Hong Kong’s own institutions as provided for under Article 23 of the Basic Law, would curtail the Hong Kong people’s liberties.” The Basic Law is Hong Kong’s mini constitution.

The move will “dramatically erode Hong Kong’s autonomy and the system that made it so prosperous,” they added.

The joint statement pointed out that the law “will exacerbate the existing deep divisions in Hong Kong society” and “does nothing to build mutual understanding and foster reconciliation within Hong Kong.”

“Rebuilding trust across Hong Kong society by allowing the people of Hong Kong to enjoy the rights and freedoms they were promised can be the only way back from the tensions and unrest that the territory has seen over the last year,” they added.


“Hong Kong’s autonomy must not be undermined,” Germany’s Foreign Minister Heiko Mass said in a statement, adding that it was an opinion shared by the European Union. “The citizens of Hong Kong enjoy freedoms and rights, that are afforded to them through the Basic Law and on the principle ‘one country, two systems’. We expect that law and order to be upheld.”

“The principle ‘one country, two systems’ and law and order are the base for Hong Kong’s stability and prosperity. Even the security law must not question these principles,” he added.

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“Freedom of speech and freedom of assembly as well as the democratic debate in Hong Kong have to be respected in the future.”


Taiwan’s president Tsai Ing-wen pledged support for Hong Kong immediately after Beijing proposed the law last week. She said Taiwan “stands with the people of Hong Kong,” and pledged “necessary assistance” to those who need help.

China claims Taiwan as part of its territory and considers the self-ruled island as a Chinese province, that must be united with the mainland, by force if necessary. The Chinese Communist Party has never governed Taiwan.

In a tweet after the bill was approved, Tsai said she has moved to create a “humanitarian assistance action plan” for Hong Kong citizens, some of whom have already emigrated to Taiwan amid the uncertainty.


Even before the bill was passed, Japan’s foreign ministry issued a statement saying: “Japan is seriously concerned” about China’s decision toward Hong Kong.

“Hong Kong is an extremely important partner for Japan with which Japan maintains close economic ties and people-to-people exchanges,” the ministry said. “It is the long-standing policy of Japan to attach great importance to upholding a free and open system which Hong Kong has been enjoying and the democratic and stable development of Hong Kong under the ‘One Country Two System’ framework.”

The statement added that Japan has conveyed such views to China and “will continue to carefully observe developments surrounding Hong Kong.”

Life lost after Canadian Snowbirds acrobatic jet crashes

At least one person has died after an acrobatic Canadian air force jet crashed into a residential neighbourhood while doing a flyover.

Another crew member was seriously injured when the plane hit a house in the city of Kamloops, British Columbia.

One pilot was able to eject before the crash on Sunday, video showed.

The Snowbirds jet had been on a tour “to salute Canadians doing their part to fight the spread of Covid-19”, according to the team’s website.

The Snowbirds perform acrobatic stunts for the public, similar to Red Arrows in the UK or the US Blue Angels.

The crash happened on Sunday morning, shortly after the jet took off.

“It is with heavy hearts that we announce that one member of the CF Snowbirds team has died and one has sustained serious injuries,” the Royal Canadian Air Force said in a tweet.

Video posted on Twitter showed two jets climbing into the air from what is believed to be the Kamloops Airport before one catches on fire.

Witness Annette Schonewille told CBC News: “The one plane continued and the other one, there was two puffs, it looked like puffs of smoke and one… was a ball of fire,” she said.

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“No noise, it was strange, and then the plane just did a cartwheel and fell right out of the sky. Just boom, straight down, and then a burst of black, black smoke.”

After it hit the front garden of a home in Kamloops, residents ran outside in an attempt to put out the fire.

“I just started running down the street. And I got there maybe a minute after it crashed and there was a couple of residents that had their hoses out and they were trying to put the flames out because it hit a house,” neighbour Kenny Hinds told the Associated Press.

“It looked like most of it landed in the front yard, but maybe a wing or something went through the roof.”

Meanwhile, resident Nolyn McLeod told CBC he saw the plane curve into the street and hit the bedroom window of his neighbour’s house.

Photos published in Canadian media appeared to show a parachute on the roof of the house.

The city of Kamloops is around 200 miles (320km) northeast of Vancouver in the West Coast Canadian province. It has a population of 90,000.

In October, a Snowbirds jet crashed into an uninhabited area before an air show in the US city of Atlanta, after the pilot ejected.

Canada bans 1,500 kinds of assault weapons

Canada Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has introduced a long-promised ban on assault-style weapons following the country’s worst gun massacre in April.

New rules would make it illegal to sell, transport, import or use 1,500 varieties of assault weapons.

The ban is effective immediately but there will be a two-year amnesty period for law-abiding gun owners to comply.

Mr Trudeau also said he would introduce legislation, which has yet to pass, to offer a buy-back programme.

Unlike the US, gun ownership is not enshrined in Canada’s constitution, but gun ownership is still popular, especially in rural parts of the country.

Mr Trudeau made a point of saying that most gun owners are law-abiding citizens, but argued that assault-weapons serve no beneficial purpose.

“These weapons were designed for one purpose and one purpose only — only to kill the largest amount of people in the shortest amount of time,” he said in a press conference on Friday.

“You don’t need an AR-15 to bring down a deer.”

The call to ban assault weapons was heightened after a number of high-profile shootings — in 2017, at a mosque in Quebec, in 2018 on a commercial street in Toronto and most recently, in a rampage across the province of Nova Scotia that became the deadliest shooting in Canada’s history.

Mr Trudeau campaigned on the ban ahead of last November’s election, and he said he was planning on introducing the ban in March, but it was delayed because of coronavirus.
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His government had already expanded background check requirements and made it tougher to transport handguns, prior to November’s election.

More than 80,000 of these weapons are registered with the Royal Canadian Mounted Police.

The government is able to ban the weapons immediately through current regulation, but a buy-back programme would require multi-party support in parliament and would likely cost the government hundreds of millions of dollars.

The ban is controversial politically. A petition against the ban started by Conservative MP Glen Motz in December has more than 175,000 e-signatures.

Many of the weapons used in violent crime in Canada were not obtained legally, and Conservative leader Andrew Scheer said Mr Trudeau would do better to focus on stopping guns from coming across the boarder than on banning law-abiding gun owners.

The Globe and Mail reported that leaked documents show the buy-back programme would be voluntary, and licensed owners would have their guns grandfathered. Mr Trudeau had previously promised the programme would be mandatory.

On Friday, Mr Trudeau would not confirm whether buy-backs would be voluntary, but reiterated the buy-back programme would have to be supported by other parties, and be fair to everyone.

“The next steps need to be ironed out,” he said.

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