Tag: Politics

Samoa First Elected Female PM finally takes office.

More than three months after winning an election which sparked a constitutional crisis, Samoa’s first female prime minister was finally able to take office on Tuesday.

A smiling Fiame Naomi Mata’afa sat in the chair her predecessor had been reluctant to relinquish after 22 years in power. She held her first Cabinet meeting, with members of her FAST Party dressed in the distinctive red clothes that party members and supporters often wear.

Fiame, 64, said they were ready to begin their work.

That could include a reset of the island nation’s relationship with China. On the campaign trail, Fiame had pledged to stop a $100 million port development backed by Beijing, calling the project excessive for a nation that’s already heavily in debt to China.

After a knife-edge election result in April, Fiame’s predecessor Tuilaepa Sailele Malielegaoi refused to concede defeat, despite several court rulings that went against him.

Tuilaepa had two powerful allies in the nation’s head of state and the speaker, who were able to stall the transfer of power.

A bizarre scene played out in May when Fiame and her party were locked out of the Parliament, with Tuilaepa claiming he was still in charge. Both sides accused each other of trying to stage a coup.

Fiame and her party members took oaths and appointed ministers in a ceremony held under a tent in front of the locked Parliament.

In a recent interview with The Associated Press, Fiame said that day was charged with emotion.
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“It could have gone pear-shaped, but we were able to keep calm,” she said. “We could have stormed the building and knocked down the doors, like in Washington, D.C. But we just sat and sang a few hymns, sang a prayer.”

Last week, the nation’s top court ruled the unusual swearing-in ceremony that day had been constitutional, and Tuilaepa finally conceded.

Fiame had previously served as Tuilaepa’s deputy.

She said in the interview that she resigned after becoming concerned that Tuilaepa and fellow lawmakers had gone “off the rails” by trying to politically intervene in the nation’s court system and judiciary.

“It was a classic case of power and corruption,” Fiame said. “We were slipping away from the rule of law, and I didn’t like that. But most of party were happy to go along with it.”

She said Tuilaepa never thought he could lose the election, particularly given his huge parliamentary majority leading up to it.

“He was in shock and deep denial,” she said.

Fiame’s election win is seen as a milestone not only for Samoa, which is conservative and Christian, but also for the South Pacific, which has had few female leaders.

Fiame said she didn’t think her gender was a big issue in the election, and that her role in the traditional chiefly system was perhaps more important to voters. But she hoped that she might be a positive role model for Pacific women in other fields, showing what they could achieve.

US-China Tension intensifies as China imposes counter-sanctions on ex-US commerce secretary Ross, others

China said on Friday that it has imposed counter-sanctions on U.S. individuals including former U.S. commerce secretary Wilbur Ross in response to U.S. sanctions on Chinese officials with Beijing’s liaison office in Hong Kong.

The sanctions are the first imposed by China under its new anti-foreign sanction law, passed in June, and come days before U.S. Deputy Secretary of State Wendy Sherman is due to visit China amid deeply strained ties.

Then-U.S. Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross speaks during the third annual U.S.-Qatar Strategic Dialogue at the State Department in Washington on Sept. 14, 2020

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China also imposed unspecified “reciprocal counter-sanctions” on the current or former heads of a range of organisations, including the Congressional-Executive Commission on China, U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission, National Democratic Institute for International Affairs, International Republican Institute, Human Rights Watch, and on the Washington-based Hong Kong Democracy Council.


Hong Kong police makes arrest and claims children’s tales of sheep and wolves incite sedition

Hong Kong police arrested five people on Thursday on sedition charges, saying that children’s books they had published featuring wolves and sheep as characters were aimed at inciting hatred towards the city’s government amongst youngsters.

The arrests were the latest involving suspected critics of Hong Kong’s government that have raised fears about the shrinking space for dissent since Beijing imposed a national security law in June 2020 to put an end to pro-democracy protests in the semi-autonomous city.

Police said one book, “Defenders of the Sheep Village,” was connected to the protests. In the story, wolves want to occupy the village and eat the sheep, who in turn use their horns to fight back.

Those arrested were members of a speech therapists’ union who produced books for children. Police said the five were two men and three women aged between 25 and 28. They did not identify them by name.

The five were arrested on suspicion of conspiring to publish seditious material under a colonial-era law which had been rarely used before the anti-government protests began in the former British colony.

Senior police superintendent Steve Li told a media briefing that police were concerned by the books because of the information inside for children which “turns their mind and develop a moral standard to be against society.”

The five were arrested on suspicion of conspiring to publish seditious material under a colonial-era law which had been rarely used before the anti-government protests began in the former British colony.

Senior police superintendent Steve Li told a media briefing that police were concerned by the books because of the information inside for children which “turns their mind and develop a moral standard to be against society.”

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They highlighted two other books produced by the union in addition to “Defenders of the Sheep Village.”

The second told the story of 12 sheep taken by wolves to the beasts’ village where they would be cooked, potentially alluding to the 12 Hong Kong people captured by China in August last year at sea as they tried to flee the city by boat. Li said the story was not factual and incited hatred against authorities.

The third book tells the story of wolves sneaking through a hole into the sheep village and shows the wolves as dirty and the sheep as clean. This aimed to create hatred against the government, Li said.

First convictions under the sedition law can carry a maximum penalty of two years in prison, police said. The General Union of Hong Kong Speech Therapists could not be reached for comment.

Authorities have denied any erosion of rights and freedoms in Hong Kong – which returned to China in 1997 under a “one country, two systems” formula aimed at preserving its freedoms and role as a financial hub – but say China’s national security is a red line.

Security officials have said law enforcement action is based on evidence and has nothing to do with an individual’s political stance, background or profession.

Authorities have denied any erosion of rights and freedoms in Hong Kong – which returned to China in 1997 under a “one country, two systems” formula aimed at preserving its freedoms and role as a financial hub – but say China’s national security is a red line.

Security officials have said law enforcement action is based on evidence and has nothing to do with an individual’s political stance, background or profession.

Barrack arrested on foreign-agent charges

Former Trump campaign adviser Tom Barrack was arrested today and charged with acting as a foreign agent of the United Arab Emirates between 2016 and 2018. According to an indictment unsealed this afternoon in a federal court in Brooklyn, Barrack, while serving as a foreign policy adviser to former President Donald Trump’s 2016 campaign, inserted pro-UAE language into a campaign speech, and took direction from UAE officials about what to say in media appearances and in a 2016 op-ed he wrote. In addition to foreign lobbying charges, Barrack has also been charged with obstruction of justice and lying to federal investigators.

— He also allegedly agreed to promote a candidate backed by the UAE for the post of ambassador to the gulf nation while providing “non-public information about the views and reactions of senior U.S. government officials following a White House meeting between senior U.S. officials and senior UAE officials” to Rashid Alshahhi, a UAE citizen who was also charged with acting as an unregistered foreign agent. Matthew Grimes, an aide to Barrack at his investment firm Colony Capital, has also been charged with acting as an unregistered foreign agent, according to the indictment. According to a press release from the Justice Department, both Barrack and Grimes were arrested in Los Angeles this morning and were to be arraigned this afternoon.

While the pandemic didn’t completely prompt the rebranding, it did accelerate many of the conditions that led to it, Tom McGee, ICSC’s president told PI. From the use of digital tagging to the proliferation of technology like apps for curbside pickup and online ordering, “all of those things really had a profound impact on the industry and we’re starting to see a lot of changes in our membership as a result of that,” McGee said in an interview.
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— As a result, the group is broadening its membership to include technology and logistics companies, while more mixed-use developments are causing “whole new tenant classes” to emerge. “We’ve moved towards presenting ourselves as an organization that represents the marketplaces and spaces industry where people shop, dine, work, play and gather, which is much more reflective of the composition of our membership and property types that are our organization,” McGee added.

— The ICSC will also broaden its advocacy efforts to reflect its new brand. “I think that sometimes the phraseology shopping center got misinterpreted to be very singularly focused,” McGee said. The group, which shelled out $2.5 million on lobbying last year, according to OpenSecrets.org, will also lobby on issues relating to small business and economic development. That includes, McGee said, trying to prevent the elimination of several tax provisions Democrats are taking aim at in infrastructure talks. The ICSC is also pushing for more relief programs to help “micro small businesses” such as nail salons, dry cleaners and fitness centers that have not had as much access to programs like PPP. Targeted grant funds like those set up for restaurants and live entertainment venues “were good programs but there’s still a lot of pain in the small business community,” he said.

Leftist school teacher Pedro Castillo declared Peru’s next president

Leftist school teacher Pedro Castillo was proclaimed Peru’s president-elect Monday, six weeks after a polarizing vote of which the results were delayed by claims of electoral fraud from his right-wing rival, Keiko Fujimori.

The 51-year-old trade unionist’s victory leaves Fujimori facing an imminent corruption trial.

On behalf of my family I would like to salute the electoral authorities… and also to salute the political parties that have taken part in this democratic celebration,” Castillo told hundreds of supporters gathered at the headquarters of his Peru Libre (Free Peru) party in Lima.

“Dear compatriots, I bring here an open heart for each and every one of you,” he declared from the balcony after Jorge Luis Salas, head of the JNE elections jury, announced Castillo’s victory in a brief virtual ceremony

A crowd of hundreds that had spent weeks outside the JNE headquarters to support Castillo broke out in celebration at the news.

“Finally, we have a president,” said Rosa Huaman, a 27-year-old Castillo supporter among the crowd, which chanted: “Yes it can!”
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The JNE validated the vote count by the ONPE elections body, which gave Castillo 50.12 percent of the ballots cast, some 44,000 more than Fujimori, who pledged earlier Monday to recognize the result “because it is required by the law and the constitution that I have sworn to defend.”

Fujimori had claimed fraud despite observers from the Organization of American States, the United States and European Union declaring the vote free and fair.

– Nationalization, crime –

Prosecutors have said they would seek a 30-year jail term for Fujimori on charges of taking money from scandal-tainted Brazilian construction giant Odebrecht to fund failed presidential bids in 2011 and 2016

EU prepare to hit Lebanon’s leaders over political crisis

Political crisis has left the country without a functioning government since the last one resigned after a massive explosion killed dozens and destroyed swathes of Beirut in August 2020.

EU foreign ministers agreed to move ahead towards sanctions against Lebanon’s ruling elite over the political crisis wracking the country.

EU’s foreign policy chief Josep Borrell on Monday said top diplomats from the bloc’s 27 nations gave the green light at a meeting in Brussels to establish a legal framework for measures against Lebanese leaders who have driven their nation into economic collapse.

“The objective is to complete this by the end of the month,” Borrell said.

A political crisis has left the country without a functioning government since the last one resigned after a massive explosion killed dozens and destroyed swathes of Beirut in August 2020.

“The economy’s imploding and the suffering of the people of Lebanon is continuously growing,” Borrell said.

“They need to have a Lebanese government in order to avoid the breakdown of the country, (one that is) fully able to implement reforms and protect this population.”
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Lebanon is mired in what the World Bank has called one of the worst economic crises since the 1850s, and the cash-strapped state is struggling to buy enough fuel to keep the lights on.

The economic crisis has seen the Lebanese pound lose more than 90 percent of its value against the dollar on the black market, and left more than half the population living below the poverty line.

In April, France imposed sanctions by restricting entry of Lebanese figures it says are responsible for the political crisis.

Biden to Putin: ‘Take action’ against cybercriminals in Russia

In a Friday phone call, President Joe Biden told Russian President Vladimir Putin that he has to “take action” to deal with cybercriminals in Russia or else the US will act unilaterally to “defend its people and its critical infrastructure,” the White House said.

According to the Associated Press, during a meeting less than a month ago between the two leaders in Geneva, Biden gave Putin an ultimatum against continuing cyberattacks he blamed on Russian hackers.

Last weekend, a ransomware attack blamed on Russian hacking group REvil affected over 1,5000 businesses.

In the phone call, Biden said there would be consequences if Putin didn’t heed his warning, AP reported.

“I made it very clear to him that the United States expects when a ransomware operation is coming from his soil even though it’s not sponsored by the state, we expect them to act if we give them enough information to act on who that is,” said Biden to reporters at an economic competitiveness event.

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The White House stated that during the phone call Biden “underscored the need for Russia to take action to disrupt ransomware groups operating in Russia.”

Biden also “reiterated that the United States will take any necessary action to defend its people and its critical infrastructure in the face of this continuing challenge.”

He reportedly told Putin that he was committed to continuing dialogue on the larger issue of the spread of ransomware and the danger that poses.

Putting responded to Biden by relaying that the US had not requested any cybersecurity assistance from Russia in recent ransomeware attacks, the Kremlin said in a statement, reported.

Former President, Zuma hands himself in to South African Police

Former South African President Jacob Zuma handed himself over to police late Wednesday, authorities said, to begin a 15-month prison sentence for contempt of court.

The move ended days of intense speculation over whether the police and former President would comply with the country’s Constitutional Court for Zuma’s arrest and imprisonment.

Zuma, who served as South Africa’s President from 2009 to 2018, had been given until July 4 to hand himself over to police. If he failed to show, the police were given until the end of Wednesday to arrest the 79-year-old and bring him in.

Just before the clock wound down on the midnight deadline, Zuma was admitted to the Estcourt Correctional Center near his home in KwaZulu-Natal province, according to the Department of Correctional Services.

“Former President of South Africa, Mr. Jacob Zuma was on the July 7, 2021, placed in the custody of the South African Police Service, in compliance with the Constitutional Court judgment,” said Police Ministry spokesperson Lirandzu Themba said in a statement.

Zuma was found guilty of contempt of court and handed a 15-month jail term on June 29, a landmark move in the country’s long-running corruption saga.

The order stemmed from Zuma’s refusal to appear at an anti-corruption commission to answer questions about his alleged involvement in corruption during his time as president.

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Zuma has repeatedly denied the long running allegations of corruption against him.
It is a highly symbolic moment that the former President and key figure of the African National Congress (ANC), who spent ten years in prison with anti-apartheid hero and former President Nelson Mandela, could spend significant time in prison.
His incarceration, however, could be short lived.
On Friday, a High Court judge will rule whether police should have waited to bring him in until after a Constitutional Court hearing, due to take place on July 12, where his lawyers will argue mitigating circumstances in his sentence.

Sad News in Haiti – President of Haiti, has reportedly been assassinated by Unknown Gunmen

Sad news in Haiti as Jovenel Moïse, The President of Haiti,  has reportedly been assassinated after a group of unidentified gunmen attacked his private residence, the country’s interim prime minister said in a statement on Wednesday.

His wife, the First Lady of Haiti Martine Moïse, is also currently hospitalized, interim Premier Claude Joseph said.

Joseph condemned the act and in his words “hateful, inhumane and barbaric act,” adding that Haiti’s National Police and other authorities had the situation in the country under control.
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The assassination on late Tuesday comes amid deepening political and economic stability and a spike in gang violence.

U.S. House passes bill to remove Confederate statues from Capitol

The Democratic-controlled U.S. House of Representatives on Tuesday passed a bill to remove statues honoring those who upheld slavery or backed the Confederacy from the Capitol building, which displays statues selected by all 50 states.

It is the second year in a row that the House passed the bill, which the then-Republican-controlled Senate in 2020 declined to take up. Democrats now have a razor-thin Senate majority, which could allow them to force a vote on the measure, which would need the support of 10 Republicans to pass.

Taney’s bust would be replaced by one of former Supreme Court Associate Justice Thurgood Marshall, the first Black man to serve on the high court.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, a Democrat, said removing the statues will not erase the stain of racist acts from U.S. history, nor will it erase racism in the United States today. But she asked, “How can we expect to end the scourge of racism … when we allow the worst perpetrators of that racism to be lauded in the halls of Congress?”

Opponents said it would be wrong to dictate to individual U.S. states whom they can honor by sending statues to the Capitol. Republican Representative Mo Brooks of Alabama said the bill was an example of “cancel culture and historical revisionism” by “elitists who claim they know more than regular citizens.”

Taney wrote the majority opinion in the 1857 “Dred Scott” case, ruling that Black Americans could not be considered citizens and that Congress could not prohibit slavery. It later was overturned by the 14th Amendment to the Constitution, which was adopted in 1868.

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