Tag: Racism

Canadian Politicians Denounce Trump’s Protest Response

Left-wing party leaders in Canada have condemned President Trump’s response to protests over the death of George Floyd, with one proposing that Canada accept asylum seekers attempting to enter the country from the U.S.


Trump’s response has included threatening to use the military to quell violence and tear gassing protesters in front of the White House.

Asked about his reaction to the gassing of protesters, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau stayed silent for 20 seconds before saying “we all watch in horror and consternation what’s going on in the United States,” without mentioning Trump and then focused his speech on racism in Canada.

But Jagmeet Singh, leader of the left-wing New Democratic Party, called Trump’s actions “reprehensible” and said Trudeau “has to call out the hatred and racism happening just south of the border,” while Bloc Québécois Leader Yves-François Blanchet said Trudeau needs to “grow a spine.”

Elizabeth May, leader of Canada’s Green Party, took it one step further, calling on Canada to accept qualified asylum seekers from other countries coming to Canada via the U.S., which she said is “no longer safe” for them to seek asylum in.

“It’s clear that if you’re Muslim, if you’re Black, if you’re Latina, if you’re Indigenous, the United States is not a safe country,” May said.

May also said Trump has “urged violence” and “in coded language has been giving oxygen, for years now, to white supremacists.”

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Under the terms of a 2004 treaty, Canada deemed the U.S. a “safe” asylum for refugees and agreed not to take in refugees who land in the U.S. first. That treaty has long drawn scrutiny from the left and from refugee-advocates, including the Green Party, who consider the U.S. insufficiently committed to human rights. In 2017, Canada reviewed the agreement after Trump banned immigration from several Muslim-majority countries. Trudeau also faced fierce calls to suspend the treaty in 2018 when the Trump administration began separating families at the U.S.-Mexico Border. In March, Trudeau closed the border entirely, banning non-essential U.S. visitors in Canada and announcing that Canada would send back asylum seekers who attempt to cross the U.S.-Canada border to mitigate the spread of COVID-19.


Trump’s presidency has coincided with a deterioration of the United States’ standing in the world community. A Pew Research poll in 2018 found that most other countries’ favorability of the US dropped precipitously between the end of Obama’s presidency and the beginning of Trump’s. In Canada, America’s favorability dropped by 26 points, from 65% to just 39%. Canada’s views of Trump specifically are even worse, with just 28% of Canadians saying they have confidence in him to “do the right thing regarding world affairs” in a Pew poll in January.


“This is a very dangerous situation. And I do think those of us in other countries should speak out,” May said of Trump’s protest response.

Source: FORBES

Why Nike is Saying “Don’t Do It”

The brand famously known for its campaign encouraging you to get out there and “Just Do It” is flipping the switch and urging people “Don’t Do It” in new messaging focused on race.

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Friday evening, Nike posted a text-only video on its social media accounts with messaging encouraging people to “For once, Don’t Do It,” a play on the brand’s iconic slogan that’s recognized around the world.
The message reads:
“For once, Don’t Do It. Don’t pretend there’s not a problem in America. Don’t turn your back on racism. Don’t accept innocent lives being taken from us. Don’t make any more excuses. Don’t think this doesn’t affect you. Don’t sit back and be silent. Don’t think you can’t be part of the change. Let’s all be part of the change.”
Nike’s message comes four days after George Floyd, 46, died in police custody in Minnesota with his last moments caught on video. While being arrested, Floyd was held down by a Minneapolis police officer’s knee. The video shows Floyd pleading that he is in pain and can’t breathe. Then, his eyes shut and the pleas stop. He was pronounced dead shortly after. The officer was arrested Friday and charged with murder.
This isn’t the first time Nike has used their slogan for more than just sports.
“Nike has a long history of standing against bigotry, hatred and inequality in all forms,” Nike said in a statement to CNN Saturday. “We hope that by sharing this film we can serve as a catalyst to inspire action against a deep issue in our society and encourage people to help shape a better future.”
To mark the “Just Do It” slogan’s 30th anniversary in 2018, Nike released an ad with Colin Kaepernick, the former San Francisco 49ers quarterback who kneeled in protest during the National Anthem for a preseason NFL game. In this ad, Nike weighed in on protests during the National Anthem over racial injustice in the NFL, and the ad was preceded by Nike’s “Equality” campaign. Launched in 2017, that campaign focused on how sports can break down barriers.

Starbucks to Shut Down 8000 outlets over Racism

Starbucks will close 8,000 of the company’s U.S.-based locations to train 175,000 employees and address implicit bias, promote inclusion and help prevent discrimination.

On Thursday, two black men were perp-walked out of Starbucks in Philadelphia for requesting to use the convenience. The two unidentified men were taken out in handcuffs and were held for nearly nine hours before being released, said criminal defense attorney Lauren Wimmer, who represented the men over the weekend when they potentially faced charges.

No charges were filed, authorities said.

One of the videos of the arrest rocketed across social media, with more than 9 million views by Monday morning.

“The Starbucks situation provides dangerous insight regarding the failure of our nation to take implicit bias seriously,” said the group’s president and CEO Derrick Johnson in a statement. “We refuse to believe that our unconscious bias –the racism we are often unaware of—can and does make its way into our actions and policies.”
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Implicit bias is universal, so it’s not only about the biases of officers, but those of the people calling police, Glaser said.

Once the company has completed this training at its company-owned locations it will make the it available to its licensed partners.

The company is working with the Anti-Defamation League, the NAACP Legal Defense and Education Fund and the Equal Justice Initiative, among others to create the program.

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