Tag: world

US-China Tension intensifies as China imposes counter-sanctions on ex-US commerce secretary Ross, others

China said on Friday that it has imposed counter-sanctions on U.S. individuals including former U.S. commerce secretary Wilbur Ross in response to U.S. sanctions on Chinese officials with Beijing’s liaison office in Hong Kong.

The sanctions are the first imposed by China under its new anti-foreign sanction law, passed in June, and come days before U.S. Deputy Secretary of State Wendy Sherman is due to visit China amid deeply strained ties.

Then-U.S. Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross speaks during the third annual U.S.-Qatar Strategic Dialogue at the State Department in Washington on Sept. 14, 2020

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China also imposed unspecified “reciprocal counter-sanctions” on the current or former heads of a range of organisations, including the Congressional-Executive Commission on China, U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission, National Democratic Institute for International Affairs, International Republican Institute, Human Rights Watch, and on the Washington-based Hong Kong Democracy Council.


Just Give Us the Vaccines, WHO Pleads as Poor Countries Lack Doses

Rich countries are opening up societies and vaccinating young people who are not at great risk from COVID-19, while the poorest countries cruelly lack doses, the World Health Organization (WHO) said on Friday, condemning a global failure.

The situation in Africa, where new infections and deaths jumped by nearly 40% last week compared to the previous week, is “so dangerous” as the Delta variant spreads globally, said WHO director general Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyes.

“Our world is failing, as the global community we are failing,” he said at a news conference.

Tedros, who is Ethiopian, chastised unnamed countries for reluctance to share doses with low-income countries. He compared it to the HIV/AIDS crisis, when some argued that African nations were unable to use complicated treatments.

“i mean that attitude has to be a thing of the past,” Tedros said. “The problem now is a supply problem, just give us the vaccines”.

“The difference is between the ‘haves’ and the ‘have nots’ which is now completely exposing the unfairness of our world – the injustice, the inequality, let’s face it,” he said.

“Many developing countries are much better than industrialised countries in carrying out mass vaccination of their populations against infectious diseases from cholera to polio, “WHO’s top emergency expert Mike Ryan said.

“The level of paternalism, the level of colonial mindset that says ‘we can’t give you something because we’re afraid you won’t use it’, that is seriously not right, in the middle of a pandemic” He said.

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Reputation Poll Celebrates with Fathers Around The World.

Father’s Day is here, and many of us are looking for that gift that will let our fathers know how much we appreciate them.

While Father’s Day is a holiday with which almost everyone is familiar, few people know the interesting history behind this annual holiday.

Learning more about the history of Father’s Day can help you more fully enjoy this celebration and understand why it’s such a cherished holiday.

Origins of Father’s Day
As with many holidays we celebrate today, Father’s Day began as a primarily religious observance.

A traditional Catholic holiday celebrating fatherhood, Father’s Day has been recognized in some way dating back to the Middle Ages.

Traditionally, Father’s Day took place on March 19, which is the date the Catholic Church celebrates the Feast of St. Joseph.

While the modern version of Father’s Day began in the US in the early part of the twentieth century, it was soon adopted in Canada, and Canadians have celebrated Father’s Day ever since.

While not as widely celebrated as Mother’s Day, and less commercially promoted, Father’s Day has a special significance for Canadians nonetheless, and shows no signs of waning.

It was not observed in the United States until the 20th century and may not have gained attention without the creation of Mother’s Day.

The purpose of Father’s Day was to complement Mother’s Day by recognizing the father’s role in parenting.

While a time to honor and celebrate fathers, Father’s Day was inspired by tragedy. In December 1907, the Monongah mining disaster killed 361 miners, with 250 of these men being fathers. Grace Golden Clayton was one of the people who lost their fathers due to the mining disaster, and she suggested to her minister that a special service be held to honor the fathers who were lost in this tragedy.

This first Father’s Day in Fairmont, unfortunately, did not lead to the holiday’s celebration nationwide. The two main reasons that Father’s Day failed to gain popularity at this point were because the event was not advertised outside of Fairmont, and the celebration took place only a day after the town’s Independence Day festivities.
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Father’s Day Is Established
In reality, Father’s Day would not have reached the status that it has today without the efforts of one woman, Sonora Smart Dodd. One of the reasons that Dodd was so passionate about the holiday was that she and her siblings were raised by a single father, William Jackson Smart.

Dodd was inspired to start a holiday for fathers after hearing a sermon at her church about Anna Jarvis’s effort to establish Mother’s Day. After the sermon, Dodd approached her pastor and said she believed fathers deserved their own day of celebration. Her original idea was that the holiday be held on June 5, her father’s birthday.

Instead, to provide more time to prepare sermons for the holiday, Dodd proposed that the Father’s Day event be held on June 19, 1910, the third Sunday of the month. Dodd continued holding these celebrations in Spokane, Washington, for many years until she left to study art in Chicago. She resumed celebrations when she returned to Spokane in the 1930s.

Based on Dodd’s efforts, several politicians attempted to formalize the holiday with little success. U.S. President Lyndon B. Johnson designated the celebration of Father’s Day with a presidential proclamation, and Father’s Day was made a national holiday in 1972 by President Richard M. Nixon.

Father’s Day Today
Although it took some time for Father’s Day to be recognized as an official holiday, it is now a cherished celebration for millions of people around the world. Now that you know the history of Father’s Day, we invite you to plan a celebration that will honor the fathers in your lives with the enthusiasm intended by the holiday’s first champions.

Most Canadian dads can look forward this Sunday to a host of gestures and gifts from their children, including the perennial favourites such as pancakes for breakfast, socks, ties, and aftershave, just to name a few.

But keep in mind that, according to a March 2018 survey in Canada by retailmenot.ca, “The majority of dads (79 per cent) agree that fathers don’t expect a gift for Father’s Day, as much as mothers do for Mother’s Day.”

So perhaps all dad wants is to spend time with his kids and feel loved and appreciated, and the best thing you could do for him is to show him that love and we at Reputation Poll join the world to celebrate all fathers today.

From @reputationpoll Crew

Bezos Reclaims “World’s Richest” Title

Jeff Bezos Reclaims The Richest Person Title After 2-Weeks At Being The Second Richest.

Two weeks after losing the title of the richest person in the world to LVMH chief Bernard Arnault, Amazon’s Jeff Bezos reclaimed the No. 1 spot on Thursday according to Forbes.

Amazon shares closed more than 2% higher, boosting Bezos’ net worth by $3.5 billion, while shares in Arnault’s luxury conglomerate LVMH slumped by nearly 1%, slashing $1.4 billion from his fortune.

Bezos’ net worth now stands at $193.5 billion, Forbes estimates, compared to Arnault’s $192.9 billion. It’s been a rollercoaster few weeks for the two titans, who have been trading the top spot back and forth.

On May 24 and 25, Arnault briefly passed Bezos before the markets opened in New York and Amazon shares rose, giving the Amazon founder the upper hand.

Then, on May 27, Arnault took the lead and held it for two weeks. Earlier this year, Bezos was locked in a two-week fight for the top spot with a different mogul: Tesla and SpaceX boss Elon Musk.

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Most of Bezos’ net worth is tied up in his Amazon shares he owns about 10% of the e-commerce giant in addition to an estimated $19 billion worth of cash and investments, $500 million in real estate, plus aerospace company Blue Origin and the Washington Post.

On Monday, Bezos announced that he would be on board Blue Origin’s first crewed space flight on July 20, accompanied by his younger brother Mark and a third seat reserved for the winner of an online auction scheduled to end on June 22.

As the richest person on Earth and soon one of the few billionaires to ever be in space Bezos has seen enormous gains in his personal wealth over the past two years.

Since the depths of the Covid induced market crash in March 2020, Bezos has gotten $80.5 billion richer. Arnault has gained a staggering $116.9 billion over that time period, while Musk has added $128.7 billion to his fortune.

Bezos briefly reached a record net worth of $200 billion twice in the past year, first in August 2020 and then again in late April.

Racism :Tens of Thousands Are Taking to the Streets to Call for Justice in Germany.

Tens of thousands of anti-racism protesters took to the streets in cities across Germany this weekend, in what may be the largest demonstrator turnout outside of the United States.

In Berlin, organizers expected 1,500 people to show up. Instead, an estimated 15,000 protested in Alexanderplatz, Berlin’s city center, with signs that read “Germany is not innocent” and “Black Lives Matter,” German media outlet DW reported. Demonstrators held a moment of silence that lasted eight minutes and 46 seconds, the amount of time the former Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin kneeled on George Floyd’s neck.

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But the protests extended far beyond Berlin, with rallies organized in nine other cities across the country.

World’s deepest octopus captured on camera

The deepest ever sighting of an octopus has been made by cameras on the Indian Ocean floor.

The animal was spotted 7,000m down in the Java Trench – almost 2km deeper than the previous reliable recording.

Researchers, who report the discovery in the journal Marine Biology, say it’s a species of “Dumbo” octopus.

The name is a nod to the prominent ear-like fins just above these animals’ eyes that make them look like the 1940s Disney cartoon character.

The scientist behind the identification is Dr Alan Jamieson.

He’s pioneered the exploration of the deep using what are called “landers”.

These are instrumented frames dropped overboard from research ships.

They settle on the seabed and record what passes by.

Dr Jamieson’s equipment filmed two octopuses – one on a drop to 5,760m and a second to 6,957m. The individual animals were 43cm and 35cm in length.

They’ve been placed in the Grimpoteuthis family – the group commonly known as Dumbo.

Octopus fragments and eggs have been found at very great depths, but until this discovery, the previous deepest reliable sighting was at 5,145m down.

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That was a black and white photo of an animal taken 50 years ago off Barbados.

The significance of the Indian Ocean observations is that we now know that octopuses can find potentially suitable habitat across at least 99% of the global seafloor. But those animals that do live at depth will clearly need some special adaptations, says Dr Jamieson.

“They’d have to do something clever inside their cells. If you imagine a cell is like a balloon – it’s going to want to collapse under pressure. So, it will need some smart biochemistry to make sure it retains that sphere,” the scientist explained.

“All the adaptations you need to live at pressure are at the cellular level.Presentational white space

Dr Jamieson recorded the new octopus while working as chief scientist on the Five Deeps Expedition. This was the project that saw Texan financier Victor Vescovo take a submersible to the deepest sectors of the five major oceans on Earth.

While Mr Vescovo was setting human dive records, Dr Jamieson was conducting the tandem science investigations.

He hopes his findings can help dispel some of the misunderstandings about the deepest parts of the ocean.

“The laws of marine ecology and marine biology are actually much the same. And we need the Dumbo octopus out there to blur that line between the depths we think we care about and the depths we don’t. This idea that only animals in a kind Victorian freak show live at depth isn’t right.”

Dr Jamieson is currently the CEO of Armatus Oceanic, a deep-sea consultancy. He’s also affiliated to Newcastle University.

Number of global cases rises above four million

More than four million confirmed cases of coronavirus have been reported around the world, according to data collated by Johns Hopkins University.

The global death toll has also risen to above 277,000.

The US remains the worst-hit country, accounting for over a quarter of confirmed cases and a third of deaths.

Experts warn the true number of infections is likely to be far higher, with low testing rates in many countries skewing the data.

Daily death tolls are continuing to drop in some nations, including Spain, but there is concern that easing lockdown restrictions could lead to a “second wave” of infections.

In addition, governments are bracing for economic fallout as the pandemic hits global markets and supply chains.

A senior Chinese official has told local media that the pandemic was a “big test” that had exposed weaknesses in the country’s public health system. The rare admission, from the director of China’s National Health Commission, Li Bin, comes after sustained criticism abroad of China’s early response.

In other recent developments:

  • The UK government will proceed with “extreme caution” while exiting lockdown restrictions, according to the country’s transport secretary.
  • China’s president has expressed concern about the threat of the coronavirus to North Korea and offered help.
  • Former US President Barack Obama has strongly criticised Donald Trump over his response to the coronavirus crisis, calling it “an absolute chaotic disaster”.
  • Billionaire Tesla boss Elon Musk has said he will move the electric carmaker’s headquarters out of California because of local coronavirus restrictions.
  • Three senior officials in the US are self-isolating after coming into contact with White House staff who tested positive for coronavirus – Robert Redfield, director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Stephen Hahn, head of the Food and Drug Administration, and top infectious diseases expert Anthony Fauci
  • Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro has been criticised for riding a jetski on a lake as the national Congress announced three days of official mourning for victims of the pandemic
  • Health officials in Ghana say more than 500 workers at an industrial facility have tested positive for coronavirus, while the total number of daily cases in the country has jumped by nearly 30% – just a day after authorities said infections had reached its peak.

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This week, some lockdown measures have begun easing in Italy, once the global epicentre of the pandemic. Italians have been able to exercise outdoors and visit family members in their region.

France has recorded its lowest daily number of coronavirus deaths for more than a month, with 80 deaths over the past 24 hours. Authorities are preparing to ease restrictions from Monday, as is the government in neighbouring Spain.

Meanwhile lockdowns are continuing in countries like South Africa, despite calls from opposition parties for it to end.

In South Korea, renewed restrictions are being imposed on bars and clubs after a series of transmissions linked to Seoul’s leisure district.

Russia also cancelled a military parade in Moscow, planned as part of the country’s Victory Day celebrations. Instead, President Vladimir Putin hosted a subdued event on Saturday, laying roses at the Eternal Flame war memorial.

But despite scientific evidence, leaders of several countries have continued to express scepticism about the virus and the need for lockdowns.

In Belarus, thousands of soldiers marched to celebrate Victory Day, as President Alexander Lukashenko rejected calls for tougher measures.

British medical journal The Lancet has written a scathing editorial about Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro, calling him the biggest threat to his country’s ability to contain the spread of coronavirus. Brazil is currently reporting the highest number of cases in Latin America – over 10,000 more on Saturday, bringing the national total to nearly 156,000. But despite the outbreak, President Bolsonaro continues to dismiss the virus’ severity and has clashed with governors over lockdown measures.

Frustrations about the outbreak turned violent in Afghanistan, and at least six people died during clashes between protesters and security forces. The violence started after demonstrators gathered in Firozkoh, the capital of Ghor province, to complain about the government’s perceived failure to help the poor during the pandemic.

COVID-19: Find out the safest place in the world right now

When it comes to the coronavirus, South Australia ought to now be considered among the safest places in the world. That was the message from one of the country’s leading public health officials this week, as much of Australia began the slow process of easing restrictions.

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That many Australians now find themselves in such an enviable position would have been unthinkable only a month ago, during which time nationwide daily infection rates reached into triple figures. But on Friday, the entire country reported just 16 new cases, a sharp decline from a peak of 460 new infections on March 28.
Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison said Friday the National Cabinet will meet on May 8 to consider easing lockdown measures, bringing forward the discussion from the week beginning May 11.
“Australians have earned an early mark,” Morrison said. “We need to restart our economy, we need to restart our society.”
In some states, the curve has completely flattened: Queensland hasn’t reported any new cases since Monday, and South Australia has seen no new infections for more than a week.
“No more cases in South Australia. This is a landmark for us,” South Australia Chief Public Health Officer Nicola Spurrier said with a big smile during a press briefing on Wednesday.
The southern state of 1.6 million people, home to the country’s fifth most populous city Adelaide, has reported 438 confirmed Covid-19 cases, with only 14 remaining active cases and four deaths, according to the SA government.
“I think many people are surprised in Australia at how well we have done. Really, when you look across all the states and territories, this is the safest place to be in the world, perhaps other than New Zealand,” she said.
Neighboring country New Zealand recently achieved its ambitious goal of “eliminating” the coronavirus, meaning that while the daily infection rate has yet to reach zero, the country is able to track the origins of each new case.
In total, Australia, which has a population of around 25 million people, has reported 6,762 confirmed cases. Ninety two of those cases have resulted in death, and 5,720 have since recovered, according to the federal health authority.
“We’re continuing to do very well around Australia to suppress the virus and we have well and truly flattened the curve of cases and new infections,” said a spokesperson for the Australian Department of Health in a statement Thursday to CNN.
“Safety has been our fundamental focus and the success of our suppression strategy has meant Australia is in a very similar (place) to New Zealand, which has stated its strategy is aimed at elimination.”
Some Australian states have already started to begin the process of easing restrictive measures and social-distancing rules. West Australia and South Australia relaxed the limit on public gatherings, up from two people to 10 people.
In Western Australia, which saw several “zero-case” days in the past week, national parks reopened on Friday, and nearly 60% public school students have returned for the start of a new term.
In the remote Northern Territory, where no new cases have been reported for three weeks, residents will be able to use public swimming pools, waterparks, go fishing with friends and play golf starting from Friday. The state has also laid out plans to restart its economy, allowing restaurants, pubs and gyms to reopen on May 15 and lifting the remaining restrictions on June 5.

Restrictive measures

Australia’s success in taming the outbreak started with early measures to bar entry from high-risk areas.
On February 1, Australia joined the United States in closing its borders to all foreign visitors who had recently been in China, where the outbreak was first reported in December last year.
As the virus spread and outbreaks flared beyond China, Australia barred entries from Iran, South Korea and Italy in early March, before closing its borders completely to all non-citizens and non-residents on March 19.
But the country has also had its shares of missteps. On March 19, it allowed more than 2,600 passengers to disembark from the Ruby Princess cruise ship in Sydney, despite multiple previous outbreaks elsewhere in the world involving cruise ships. Over 600 cases and 15 deaths have since been linked to the ship, according to public broadcaster ABC.
As the number of cases soared in late March, Morrison announced on March 22 all bars, clubs, cinemas, gyms and places of worship would be closed indefinitely, while restaurants and cafes would be restricted to take-away only — but supermarkets, clothing stores, chemists and beauty salons would be allowed to remain open.
“What we’re doing is closing down gatherings in pubs and clubs and things of that nature, we’re not putting in place lockdowns that would confine people to their home,” Morrison said at the time.
The state of Victoria closed schools, and some states, such as West Australia and South Australia, closed their borders, requiring anyone to enter to go into two weeks of quarantine.
By the end of March, authorities imposed stricter social-distancing rules, limiting public gathering to two people from the previous 10. People were urged to stay home and only go out if it is “absolutely essential,” such as shopping for food, exercising, and for medical reasons.

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